With children using more and more near vision on digital devices and homework, their eye length would have risk of getting longer easily, in this case the myopia will get stronger quickly.
The human eye is myopic and out of focus, while the periphery of retinal is farsighted. If myopia is corrected with conventional SV lenses, the periphery of the retina will appear farsighted out of focus, resulting in an increase in the eye axis and a deepening of myopia.
The ideal myopia correction should be myopia out of focus around the retina, so as to control the growth of the eye axis and slow down the deepening of the degree.
We launched product of SmartEye, it adopts FREEFORM Surface Digital Technology, integrates wearer's prescription luminosity and personalized parameters, and optimizes the lens surface point-to-point, reduces high-order aberrations, improves the visual definition of the central visual area, meets the wearer's higher visual needs, and makes wearing more comfortable. At the same time, they complement each other with the lattice arranged micro lenses on the outer surface, With the gradual defocus of +5.00~ +6.00D, visual stimulation signals are generated to achieve the double myopia management effect.
It is available as Poly material with safe and stable performance, impact resistance, strong toughness, not easy to break, to ensure youth security.
Through 11 layers of rotationally symmetrical ring belt, equipped with 1015 micro lenses distributed with the same diameter lattice, according to the +5.00~+6.0OD forward increasing defocus variable, the peripheral image with the same curvature as the retina is formed, so that the imaging focuses on the front of the retina, resulting in myopia defocusing phenomenon, and achieving the effect of slowing down the growth of the eye axis.
This product is developed based on the research of “Eccentricity-dependent effects of simultaneous competing defocus on emmetropization in infant rhesus monkeys” at link https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0042698920301383
And with verification by “Peripheral Defocus with Single-Vision Spectacle Lenses in Myopic Children” at link https://journals.lww.com/optvissci/Fulltext/2010/01000/Peripheral_Defocus_with_Single_Vision_Spectacle.5.aspx
To achieve better improvement on myopia control, you also need to…
1. Use your eyes correctly
Pay attention to the distance from eyes to book, computer…etc, and to illuminant, posture, and so on.
2. Take enough outdoor activities
Ensure to take at least 2 hours for outdoor activities, Outdoor activities will positively stimulate eyes and also relax eye muscles, in this case to reduce risk of myopia.
3. Get regular medical check-ups on eyes
Follow opticians’ advice for wearing spectacles, and visit regularly to a vision specialist.
4. Give your eyes enough rest
For more information about SmartEye or our more products, pls contact us by email or visit our website https://www.universeoptical.com/rx-lens